What garage doors is best for security?

You may not consider what type of garage door you have, especially if you have never had to replace it, but a garage door can massively affect the security of your property. There is such a wide selection of garages doors you can choose from that you may feel a little overwhelmed and rather than doing your research just opt for the simplest option.

A roller garage door is probably one of the most secure types of garage doors you can have installed at your property. This is simply because of the way it is designed –tough and with no visible leverage points, making it a hard task for criminals to break through. The problem with roller shutter doors is they often look very industrial and not many people like having them on their garage, especially if they garage is attached to the house or is in full view. Sectional garage doors are also good for security and tend to look a little more in keeping with the rest of your home. Unlike a roller garage door, they will not roll up in to a small space so do require some internal space inside the garage, but they both open vertically not outwards so you don’t have to worry about parking your car too close.