Garage storage solutions

Although garages were originally designed to house your vehicle, not many people actually park their cars in their garages anymore. If you have a drive then you are most likely to park your car there, especially if you use it every day as it can be a bit of a pain trying to get it in and out all the time.

People often see garages as a storage room, a place to store all those items that your not quite sure what to do with or items that only use once or twice a year. If you are not careful then the garage can very quickly become a bit of a dumping ground. You need to ensure that you have proper storage in there so everything has its own place.

Cupboards or lockers are great for being able to store away gardening equipment or tools. You may be able to get second hand cupboards for next to nothing that you can fit in your garage. Some people even buy an old kitchen off somewhere like ebay. This will give them lots of storage space, just be careful not to fill it up too much. Like with any room in your house, be sure to have a good sort out often so that you don’t accumulate too much and then find you have a massive sort out job on your hands.