Travelling can be a huge cost for many companies and individuals in business. If you have to travel a lot for work, mileage can soon add up. Some businesses use company cars and provide their employees with these. They may also insure the cars and pay for fuel if the car is used only for business use. Other companies ask employees to use their own vehicles and then pay them a fuel allowance. This is usually around 45p per mile up to 10,000 miles a year (which is the same as what you can claim back on your tax).
Businesses are often looking at ways that they can cut down on travel costs. If they have workers attending a conference or training day then they will often try to send them together to keep the fuel bill down. Another way to cut costs is to try and get workers to car share and if possible use public transport. Some businesses even try to not do many face to face meetings with clients or suppliers and instead do them over video conference calls such as Skype. This not only cuts down on fuel costs but also means that people are not out of the office travelling.