When buying a new car you may need to get extra funds to pay for it. You may take out car finance offered by the garage where you are purchasing the car or chose to source the finance through another company such as Zuto. The other option is to take out a personal loan. Personal loans are a good option as you may find the APR (interest rate) is lower and it also gives you the flexibility to be able to sell the car when you want to without having to settle the outstanding finance first.
When buying a car on finance it is important to insure that it is worth the money you are paying and also bear in mind that even if the car develops problems that make it undrivable, you will still have to pay off the rest of the finance often on top of having to pay for another new car.
When taking out any financial agreement it is important to think about if you can afford the monthly payments and if you could still cover them for a short while if you were out of work or had to have time off.
If you are part exchanging your old car you may not get as much for it as you would if it was sold privately, unless they have a scrappage scheme on which currently often pays more than the cars are worth.