Very often lights appear on your dashboard out of nowhere. They usually come up at the most inconvenient times when you are miles away from your local garage. You may have no idea what the light is but are sure that you have not seen it before. Often our instant reaction is to panic assuming that there is something majorly wrong with the car that requires you to stop driving it immediately. This may not be the case the light may be a simple warning to say that a blue needs replacing or that your coolant is low. It is always advisable to look to find out what the light means.
The vehicle handbook should be kept in the car at all times so you can refer to it when needed and check if the light is an emergency warning or one that can wait until you get home. Many people remove the handbook out of the car when they purchase it to keep it safe or to have a read through but forget to return it to the vehicle. If you are unsure as to what the light is or if it is accompanied by any strange noises or smells then you should drive it you could always call the main dealer garage and ask their advice or contact your breakdown company.