Should you let your insurance auto renew?

Many people simply forget or cannot be bothered to shop around for new insurance year upon year and so when the times comes, they simply let their cover renew. This can lead to people having to spend a lot more on their car insurance than they have to and with many companies competing for business, its often not hard to find a better deal.

You may find that despite you having no claims or convictions your insurance company quotes you the same amount or often even more to renew, even if you have gained another years no claims. They often reply on the fact that a percentage of people will not check their renewal and therefore its easy money to them.

If you really want a great deal then it is worth checking some of the website that offer you cashback such as Quidco. These companies act as a referrer and then pay you cash back towards the cost of your policy. Often this amount can be between £30 and £100 so it is well worth doing and could save you a huge chunk on your annual policy price.