Having an automatic garage door installed

Automatic garage doors can be very useful. They are the perfect solution for those that get fed up of having to keep getting in and out of the car to open and close the door. If you store your car in your garage then an automatic garage door is a must. It also adds an extra level of safety as you do not have to exit your vehicle on those dark winter nights until you are in your garage.

It may be that you have shopping you need to unload, or need to get children strapped in to the car. Being able to so this from your garage rather than outside where it may be raining can make life a lot easier.

It is important that you know how to correctly use your garage door and what to do should the automatic opening / closing function fail. All garage doors will have a manual override and should have a safety cut out to stop them from closing if there is an obstruction in the way.

If you are tight on space then you may decide to choose a roller garage door which folds away in the roof cavity of the garage and doesn’t require as much space to open and close.