Authorising additional work at a garage

When you take your car in to a garage, most of us would like to know at least an approximate cost for the repair work. Sometimes the garage will need to strip the car down or investigate the issue in greater detail before they can give us a price. You may need to be prepared to pay a fee for investigating what the issue is if it is going to take time to find out. Many people do not like the idea of paying someone to find out where the problem lies, but if a mechanic is not charging out his or hers time when working on your vehicle, it means they will be out of pocket, especially if you decide not to go ahead with any repairs that need to be done.
Sometimes when a garage works on a vehicle they may find additional work that needs to be done. All garages should call you to confirm you are happy for them to do additional work or you should have authorised this beforehand. If when you arrive to pick up your vehicle you find that other work has been done and been charged for which you did not authorise then you can question this with them. If the work they have done really did need doing and has not put you too much out of pocket you may decide to just swallow the additional costs.